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Monday, March 1, 2010

Manic Monday: Alone Time

We used to home school, it was great, it was rewarding, it was a lot of work! I think it’s a great thing and support all that do it, but we found a school we love so that’s what we do now. My kids now all good to school for the first time ever, with my youngest being in kindergarten, so Monday’s have taken on a whole new meaning. They mean I HAVE THE HOUSE TO MYSELF FOR 6 HOURS.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my kids and don’t wish the time away, but yes, Monday mornings do have a joy to them that I feel guilty for enjoying, but I do. I miss them while they are at school, but I also can shower, do housework and generally feel like me for a day.

We have a chore set up that allows the whole house to get cleaned, top to bottom, on Sundays. I will post that later. The kids do a great job, but on Mondays I do like to “touch up” what we have all done. I don’t expect perfection from the kids at all.

So today’s MANIC MONDAY thought is this: Alone time.
You have time, I promise. 20 minutes tops: No cost.
Run a hot bath, not warm, hot. Yes, yes, yes, it dries your skin but there is such great therapy to a hot bath. Wash your hair, rinse. Put the conditioner on but leave it on.
Then apply your homemade face mask: 1 cup natural yogurt (we like it just-out-of-the-fridge cold) 1 cup oatmeal (any type of basic oatmeal works here). It makes a lot so you may want to half it.
Now your hair is soaking and so is your skin. Then shave your legs, pits, etc. . Then drain the bath and get under a wonderful hot shower to rinse hair and body. After you dry off apply lotion. I know, you say you will do it later. No you wont, so do it now.

10-20 minutes tops and you are a new you. At least a cleaner you, which we can all use after a weekend full of kids.


  1. Sounds like a nice way to start your week. My shower time comes at night due to my kiddos needs, and I HATE baths. BUT, I love to get into a really, really hot shower and just stand there feeling my muscles relax. You are right, hot water is just relaxing, therapeutic even.

  2. Followed your link from FJ - Looking forward to reading your blog. I'm on board with the other poster from FJ, would love to see a weeks worth of sample menus. I'm TERRIBLE at meal planning and spend far far too much on groceries. Love that you're big eaters - We're a family of 3, but eat like a family of 6, lol.. I hate reading sites with menu plans that stretch one roasting chicken into 5 meals, what the hell! We devour that bird on the first night (well, all the good parts anyway) I can make a stock from the bones but that's about it. Okay, rant over, ha! I'll be reading..

  3. I followed your link from FJ too, looking forward to reading more. The chore chart for getting the house cleaned top to bottom in one day sounds great, I'd love to see that.

    We currently homeschool and while it is good for right now it isn't a long term solution for us and I pray to find a school for the girls that fits us. Don't feel guilty about enjoying your 6 hours without kids, when our girls were in school I found that time helped me to be a better mother. The two days a week I have now with them in a homeschool program are vital for our family and educational health. That, and my sanity.

    You can read about us here if you'd like, you'll see that I need lots of frugal and organizational tips!

  4. I like the oatmeal/yogurt face mask idea!
